By way of explanation...

Since 2012 I have been involved in living history, based in Scotland, with the occasional foray into the north of England. 

At the beginning I focused on military archery in Scotland in the 15th century. There was a good story to tell and Rusty Bodkins offered presentation, demonstration and participation archery. Bamburgh Castle in Northumberland gave me my start, and from there I collected enough clients to keep me busy. It proved very popular; people just loved having a go with a bow!

Times change however, and now it's time for a series of new presentations under the title guerre d'ecosse, taking a wider look at military matters in Scotland across the 15th and early 16th centuries. 

This was a period of great change socially and militarily. The presentations acknowledge the French influence on weaponry and clothing brought about by the Auld Alliance, and also by other dominant European powers. Oh, and archery does still gets a spot!